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Healthcare Network

Applications Open August 1st


Meet Nurse Alice Benjamin, America's Favorite Nurse

Alice Benjamin, MSN, ACNS-BC, FNP-C, affectionately known as America's favorite nurse is a board-certified family nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, TV medical correspondent, podcast host, and is the founder of and

Nurse Alice has extensive experience specializing in cardiovascular health, critical care, and emergency medicine and has worked at some of the most underserved community hospitals taking care of some of the sickest patients on the planet.


She is a medical correspondent for NBC4 Los Angeles and was the nation's most-watched nurse on TV who kept millions of viewers up to date with her meticulous and insightful daily reporting during the COVID crisis.


Spanning her career, Nurse Alice has appeared on numerous national shows, networks, and radio shows including GMA3, Dr. Oz, The Doctors, CNN, HLN, FOX News, News Nation, TVOne, BBC, KTLA Morning News, The D.L Hughley Show and Ricky Smiley Morning Radio Show.


She also hosts the Ask Nurse Alice Podcast, a recent top 10 Apple Podcast in the medical category. The award-winning podcast combines no-nonsense advice with thought-provoking interviews featuring top health experts, celebrity guests, and frontline care workers.

The Birth of MediaRX 

Nurse Alice is dedicated to helping health professionals bring their expertise into the media and guiding media outlets in creating authentic and accurate health content.

The reason she started MediaRX goes back to a pivotal moment in her career. After reaching a career high of becoming Patient Safety Manager of a world renowned hospital, the discovery of her media involvement unexpectedly led to her wrongfully getting fired.

For her it was never about being popular or being on TV. It's always been about empowering people with information so they can take action to live healthier lives. 

As healthcare professionals it is our duty to do so, but if you’re going to use media as a form of advocacy, it is critical to navigate the workplace and media landscape confidently and ethically.

Stay in the loop with MediaRX 


11333 Moorpark St. #30

Studio City, CA 91602

Tel. (747)-271-5757

MediaRX does not promise or guarantee any media results. Results vary based on client.

© 2023 by MediaRX

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